Phalaenopsis viridis J.J.Sm., 1907

Subgenus :

Homotypic Synonyms: 
Phalaenopsis viridis J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 5: 21 (1907).
Polychilos viridis (J.J.Sm.) Shim, Malayan Nat. J. 36: 27 (1982).

From Latin viridis : green. From the background color of the flowers.

Type : 
Deli, North Sumatra. Endemic.

Type collection :
West Sumatra flowering 08 February 2013

Phalaenopsis viridis J.J.Sm.

Phalaenopsis viridis J.J.Sm.

Phalaenopsis viridis J.J.Sm.

Epiphytic plant with many roots, flexuous, fleshy, glabrous.

Stem very short, completely enclosed by imbricating leaf-sheaths.

Leaves few, 3 to 4, shiny, leathery, oblong-ovate or elliptic-oblong, more or less acute, tapered toward base, exceeding 30 cm. of length and 8 cm. of broad.

Flower stalk, simple (seldom with some short branches), a little longer than the leaves, with the flowers connected loosely to thickened, but noncompressed rachis.

Bracts ovate, cucullate, acute,3 mm long.

Flowers fleshy, from 3 to 4 cm, with well spread out segments, fairly many, often more than 7. Dorsal sepal oblong-elliptic or elliptic, obtuse, margin revolutate. Lateral sepals identical to dorsal sepal, slightly obliques, slightly ducted behind near apex, acute. Petals elliptic or ovate-elliptic, acute, dorsally slightly ducted near apex, margin delicately undulate. Lip briefly strangled at base, 3-lobed, twice shorter than the petals. Lateral lobes oblique, rectangular, with truncated apex, horizontally provided of a fleshy ridge and, near base, of a fleshy callus. Midlobe at cuneate base ovate or sub-rhomboid, acute or rounded at apex, flattened or sometimes concave, longitudinally provided of two fleshy ridges located on both sides of a central keel. Disc between lateral lobes provided of a pair of callus flattened, fleshy, with divergent apex. On front of the latter, another callus bidentate. Column fleshy, white, cylindrical, flattened in its center, 8 mm long. Pedicellate ovary of 2 cm long.

Lip P. Viridis By Herman Sweet

Sepals and petals greenish, largely stained of brown-red. White Lip striated with 4 purplished lines, two on each side of the central keel. Callus are yellow. Flowering in spring for 4 to 6 weeks. The floral stalk persists several years, continues its growth until reaching 60/70cm and ramifies. He grow at an altitude of 850 meters, on rocks or trunks. This plant was reintroduced during the years 1970 after 80 years of absence.

Phalaenopsis viridis J.J.Sm., Bull. Dép. Agric. Indes Néerl. 5: 21 (1907).
Phalabnopsis viridis J. J. S. n. sp. 
Caulis brevissimus.
Polia oblongo-obovata, basi angustata et conduplicata, costa media supra sulcata, subtusacute carinata, nitidiuscula, viridia, c. 24 cm. longa, 7.8 cm. lata; vaginae breves, tubulosae, compressae. Inflorescentia adscendens, c. 23 cm. longa.
Pedunculus teres, opaco-viridis, c. 20 cm. longus, c. 0.4 cm. diam., squamis paucis brevibus tubulosis acutis carinatis.
Flores circiter septeni aperti, carnosi, c. 2.5 cm. diam. Sepala patentia, oblonga, obtusa, paulum undulata, dilute viridia, fasciis transversis macularum luteo-brun-nearum plus minusve expressis; sepalum dorsale c. 1.5 cm. longurn, 0.7 cm. latum, lateralia paulum obliqua, extus ad apicem costa brevi prominenti, c. 1.5 cm. longa, 0.85 cm. lata. Petala sepalo dorsali similia,. c. 1.25 cm. longa, 0.55 cm. lata. Labellum parvum, basi declinatum, 3lobum, album, inter lobos laterales lamellis 2 horizontalibus porrectis carnosis 2dentatis, albis, instructum; lobi laterales erecti, paralleli, oblongi, fere rectanguli, oblique truncati, apice dentati, dente postico acutissimo, marginibus anticis fere contiguis, intus ad basin gibbere carnoso, extus carina valida alaeformi, inde sectione transversa radiato-3alati, 0.4 cm. longi, 0.25 cm. lati; lobus medius horizontaliter porrectus, elliptico-rhombeus, acutus, igustus, sulcis 4 basi violaceis et costa validiuscula carnosa. Gynostemium gracile, paulum supra basim incrassatam constrictum, dilute flavum, c. 0.7 cm. longurn, subtus sulca longitudinali. Anthera cucullata, mucrone brevi emarginato, pallide flava. Pollinia lutea, stipiti spathulato afüxa, glanuula subrotunda. Rostellum elongatum, 2dentatum. Stigma transverse ellipticum, profundum. ovarium viride, c. 0.5 cm. longum: pedioellus dilute viridis, c. 1.7 cm. longus.

Sumatra: Dcli [Heldt].

Diese Art wurde vor mehreren Jahren von Herrn Heldt dem botanischen G-arten in Buitenzorg, wo sic seit dem kultiviert wird und jahrlich blüht, zugesandt.

Sic gehort in die Verwandtschaft der P. cornucervi B1. et Rchb. f., hat jedoch stielrunde Blütenstande, welche sich in der selben Weise entwickeln, wie bei P. sumatrana Koith. et Rchb. f. der Fall ist. Der für die Art charakteristische Mittellappen der Lippe ist elliptisch rautenförmig, oben mit 4 Langsfurchen und einer starken Langsrippe.

42 SUM


Note :
Flowering on 08 February 2013. Capture by Sonny Agus Sumarsono

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