Dilochia wallichii Lindl., 1830

Collected from Tanggamus, Lampung. Found as epiphyte on Pohon Anam (local name, the tree with red wood colour). Flowering during April 2013. This photo is second day bloom, capture by Mr. Budi Ginting.

Homotypic Synonyms: 
Dilochia wallichii Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 38 (1830). 
Arundina wallichii (Lindl.) Rchb.f., Xenia Orchid. 2: 13 (1862).

Dilochia wallichii Lindl.

Dilochia wallichii Lindl.

Dilochia wallichii Lindl.

Apex labellum

Dilochia wallichii Lindl.

Specimen sumatra, inflorescences often branches

Dilochia wallichii Lindl.

In situ

In situ

Flora Javae et insularum adjacentium : 25 (1858)

Thailand, to west Malesia
41 THA

Hemicr. or epiphyte

Note :
Plant from Borneo, Molluca and New Guinea have one or two branches, I think is known as Dilochia pentandra Rchb. f.., 1857. Need more investigation as live specimen.

posted 07042013

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