Trichotosia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl., 1911

This curious orchid is undoubtedly the Eria vestita figured by Lindley iu the Botanical Register for 1845, from Manilla specimens flowered by Loddiges, and which specimens are preserved in his Orchideous Herbarium, now at Kew. It is also in part the Dendrobium vestitum of Walich who distributed along with this plant another species which may be Eria vulpina Reichb. f, but is more probably different from either.

Trichotosia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl.

Eria vestita discovered by Wallich, at Singapore ; Loddiges received it from Manilla, and there are fine specimens in the Hookerian Herbarium from Bangarmassing (Banjarmasin), in Southern Borneo whence the species seems to have a very wide range

The beautiful specimen here figured was imported by W. Wilson Saunders, Esq., F.R.S., who flowered it m May ot the present year, at Reigate.

Descr. Wholly covered with soft villous spreading hairs, most copious on the inflorescence. Stems tufted usually ascending, six to ten inches long, as thick as the little finger at the base, leafy. Leaves lanceolate, acute, spreading and recurved, five to seven inches long, one and one-third inches to one and two-third inches broad, hairy on both surfaces, many-nerved. Racemes axillary, pendulous five to six inches long, many-flowered; rachis zigzag, sheathed with short broad imbricate scales at the base ; floral bracts large one-half to one inch long, broadly orbicular-ovate, white, with a broad blood-red margin. Flowers sessile. Ovary very short. Perianth orange-red, curved, an inch long, nearly hall an inch diameter. Sepals connate, lanceolate, tips abruptly recurved. Spur very broad, obtuse, half as long as the sepals. Petals linear-oblong, obtuse, white, their tips projecting between the sepals. Lip white, basal portion with two long, broad, obtuse auricles ; terminal portion nearly as broad, suborbicular, erose ; disk of lip with three to five obscure blunt ridges between the auricles, which are continued as a villous prominence on to the disk of the basal portion. Column broad below, narrowed upwards, very concave m front. Anthers small ; pollinia, long, slender.
Botanical Magazine

Homotypic Synonyms:
Dendrobium vestitum Wall. ex Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 82 (1830).
Eria vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg. 30(Misc.): 79 (1844).
Pinalia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 679 (1891).
Trichotosia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl. in H.G.A.Engler (ed.), Pflanzenr., IV, 50(50): 151 (1911).

Trichotosia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl.

Trichotosia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl.

Trichotosia vestita (Wall. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl.

Botanical Magazine  T. : 5807

Das Pflanzenreich V.50 : 152 (1911)

W. Malesia

Credit :
Photo courtesy Mr. Sonny Agus Sumarsono, Specimen collected from Jambi province.

Posted : 07012012
Edit 1 06032013 adding drawlines and illustarion

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