Pinalia chrysocardia (Schltr.) V. Agustin & G. Ariyanto comb. nov.

Rediscovery Pinalia chrysocardia
Known as Eria chrysocardia with characteristic white sepal petal and apical lip trilobe. Schlechter though it related to Eria oligotricha Schltr. from New Guine. (May be similarity appearance labellum form). We do new combination name to new properly genus to be name as Pinalia chrysocardium. Specimen flowering on 18 November in Curup, Rejang Lebong, where the specimen was collected by Leicneagra`s.

I do examining to original description, and the morphology is matching. So we conclude this is Pinalia chrysocardia. We check in database Kew and IPNI this orchid still in revision yet for name. So we put this species to genus pinalia as its characteristic.

Homotypic synonyms :
Eria chrysocardium Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(104): 44 (1911). (Original)
Eria chrysocardia Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(104): 44 (1911). (KEW)
Pinalia chrysocardia (Schltr.) V. Agustin & G. Ariyanto, 2011

Flowering on 18 November 2011
Matching with draw line by J. J. Smith in Icones Orchidacearum Malayensium I, Tab. 47 IV.

Pinalia chrysocardia (Schltr.) V. Agustin & G. Ariyanto

Pinalia chrysocardia (Schltr.) V. Agustin & G. Ariyanto

Pinalia chrysocardia (Schltr.) V. Agustin & G. Ariyanto

Pinalia chrysocardia (Schltr.) V. Agustin & G. Ariyanto

Bearing three or four leaves.

Flowering on 16 May 2012

Eria chrysocardium Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(104): 44 (1911).

N. & W. Sumatera. Our specimen from Rejang Lebong regency.
42 SUM


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