Arundina philippii Rchb.f.(1852) var. malayana Ridl., 1907


Arundina philippii
malayana Ridl., 1907

Mat. Fl. Mal. Penins. I : 227 (1907).

Basionym Arundina philippii Rchb.f.(1852) var. malayana Ridl. (1907) Mat. Fl. Mal. Penins. I : 227 (1907).

Arundina Blume

Bijdr.: 401 (1825).

Flowers size c. 5 cm broad Odorless
Flowering 07 November 2012
Lubuk Linggau regency, Sumatra
Origin Lebong regency, Sumatra Terrestrial at side road Lebong - Curup, Bengkulu.
Date collected date?  2011

Addition page
Detail parts of flower
Available. LINK
Other specimens Origin
Pagar Alam regency, south Sumatra
Available. LINK
Contributor Mr. Azman Bainuri Lubuk Linggau regency, Sumatra
Key determination
Key to the species genus Arundina Blume


Posted 15112012
A. philippii (Philipp's). This is closely related to A. bambusaefolia, but is distinguished in haviug narrower leaves and smaller flowers ; the latter are pale lavender, 1.5 inch across, with a blotch of crimson on the lip. 1895. (*1)

A. philippii Rchb. f. var. malayana, introduce and describe by H. N. Ridley 1907 from specimen Gunung Jerai, Kedah, Penisular Malaysia. Flower about c. 5 cm (c. 2 inch.) across, ovary and pedicel c. 2.5 cm (c. inch.) long. (*3).

Arundina philippii var. malayana Ridl. also have  color tip of lip pale pink, throat yellow. (Specimen collected by H. N. Ridley No. 5982.) (*2)

Existence  Arundina philippii var. malayana Ridl. in Sumatra, written by J. J, Smith in Enumeration of the Orchidaceae of Sumatra and neighbouring island, 187 (1933).(*4).

Arundina philippii malayana Ridl.

Arundina philippii malayana Ridl.

Tip of lip pale pink.

Throat yellow.

Flower c. 5 cm (c. 1 inch.) broad.


Plant (ruler 60 cm).

Arundina philippii Rchb.f., Linnaea 25: 227 (1852) var. Malayana Ridl. in Mat. Fl. Mal. Penins. I : 227 (1907).



Peninsular Malaysia , Sumatra
 42 MLY SUM.
Rhizome geophyte
hemicryptophytes that survive unfavourable seasons in the form of a rhizome, bulb, tuber or rootbud.
The term tuber is used here in a broad sense and includes every storage organ that is not a rhizome, bulb or rootbud..
Basionym Gunung Jerai, Kedah
Specimen Lebong regency, Bengkulu
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Posted 15112012
Reference :
  1. The century supplement to the dictionary of gardening, a practical and scientific encyclopaedia of horticulture for gardeners and botanists, 87 (1901).
  2. Journal of the Federated Malay States museums 7 : 135 (1906)  
  3. Materials for a flora of the Malayan peninsula, 1 : 227 (1907).
  4. Enumeration of the Orchidaceae of Sumatra and neighbouring island, 187 (1933).

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