Dendrobium gemellum Lindl., 1830

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl., 1830

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl., a rarest life specimen success collected from sumatra and flowering in cultivation on 16 June 2012. 

From reference the similarity listing with Pedilonum biflorum. But I think it is not pedilonum due Blume give definition pedilonum flower colour is purpurascentes.(Bijdr.: 321 ,1825).

J. B. Comber put this species in Dendrobium section calcafera, but in my opinion this species properlly put in Dendrobium section dendrobium, because have acute lip, and petal undulate, like Dendrobium heterocarpum.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.18022013

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Dendrobium gemellum Lindl.

Stem c. 30 cm long , flowers c. 3 cm broad, flowering stand lasting c. 5 days, no fragrant. Collected from c. 1100 above sea level. Found epiphyt at Pohon Akasia (Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth.).

Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 81 (1830).

Draw lines
Die Orchideen von Java, Figurenatlas, Heft 4, 1911, t.CCLXXVI - CCCLXXIV Plate 84

Sumatra, Java

Pseudobulb epiphyte 

Note :
It is possible mix opinion in a few reference in the past, i. e. Dendrobium gemellum Krzl. in Pflanzenr. heft : 45, 167, is from genus grastidium.(Bulletin de l'Institut botanique de Buitenzorg. ser.2 v.9 : 67 (1913)). And still doubt improvement explanation specimen in The Journal of the Linnean Society. V. 31 : 284 (1895-1897), I think the specimen it is not Dendrobium gemellum Lind, because the morphology not fix with specimen. So thats why  Comber (O. o. Sumatra : 601 (2001)) write the flowers lasting 1 days only, due missing information with section grastidium above. As we know almost all flowers grastidium lasting 1 day only.

Posted 26062012
Edit 1 18082012 correction ID from Dendrobium biflorum into Dendrobium gemellem
Edit 2 18022013 adden photo close up flower, the labellum view more better

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