Aerides suavissima Lindl., 1849

Aerides suavissima  described from specimen taken from Malacca. In general appearance it is similar to Aerides odorata. This orchid in fragrance more balsemic and delicious, The sepals and petals are white and lilac tip, the lip is pale nankin or pale lemon colour, with lilac streak a long the centre of middle lobe.

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Aerides suavissima

Basionym :
The journal of the Horticultural Society of London, 4 : 264, 1849

Reprint description :
Paxton's flower garden, 2 : 141, 1851

Distribution :
Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo?

Credit :
Photo by Mr. Anton Banderas, specimen collected from Aceh, Sumatra.

Posted 05032012

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