Coelogyne stenobulbum Schltr.,1911

Rediscovery Coelogyne stenobulbon
I did rediscovery Coelogyne stenobulbon using photo specimen unfresh flower sent to me by Mrs. Shiva Ramli on 24 January 2012. The flowers close to rotten and the lateral sepal on have left one, but the lip pattern can recognise clearly. She collected specimen from Padang Panjang, West Sumatra.

As I ordered a few day ago, today the second flower blooming in her cultivation. Mrs. Shiva make capture following my guide once again while I cross check to basionym description. I make conclusion the specimens is Coelogyne stenobulbon.

I believe this is the first photo of Coelogyne stenobulbon create for public and published in our site. If it is wrong, please do not hesitate leave message to make corection.

Homotypic synonyms :
Coelogyne stenobulbon Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(104): 4 (1911).(Basionym)
Coelogyne stenobulbum Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(104): 4 (1911).(Kew, IPNI)

Coelogyne stenobulbon

Coelogyne stenobulbon

Coelogyne stenobulbon

Coelogyne stenobulbon

Coelogyne stenobulbon
Reference :
Basionym Coelogyne stenobulbon Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45(104): 4 (1911)

W. Sumatera
42 SUM

posted 31012012

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